Shh! Do you hear that? “What’s That Sound?” isn’t just the question, it’s also the name of this lively party game.
To play, do your best impression of a blow dryer (whirr), maracas (shake-a-shake-a-shake-a), or even—somehow—a yo-yo (you’ll figure it out), while your friends and family try to appreciate your foley mastery.
With a collection of images representing the possible sound effects on display, you’ll mimic one of them, and the guessers will slap the card that corresponds to your mouth-sounds. THWAP! The fastest fingers that grab the card get the point.
After a few rounds, it’s someone else’s turn to take up the mantle of master mimicker. Once everybody’s had a turn, count all the collected cards to determine the winner. Then shuffle them up, warm up your vocal cords, and start a new game!