Try your luck on the sweetest slot machine around! Featuring delicious hard candy and a casino-themed dispenser, the Candy Slot Machine makes sugary satisfaction a sure bet!
Give the arm a crank, and you’ll send the internal wheel spinning just like the real thing. But unlike the slots you’ll find in Vegas, you won’t have to worry about lining up the symbols; The Candy Slot Machine rewards its patrons with candy regardless of the outcome.
The colorful candies inside are similar to jawbreakers, but they’re softer and easier to crunch. Chow down on handfuls at a time and treat yourself to a confectionary jackpot, or savor each bonus on its own. No matter how you play, The Candy Slot Machine is the one casino game where the eater always wins!
Because we receive this item in an assortment, we must sell them randomly. You’ll receive Red, Blue, or Green.